One of the most important tasks of the board is to keep its governing body fresh with members who will bring wisdom, synergy, perspective, and a passion for the mission. As terms expire and vacancies are…
Tender Hearted or Hard Nosed
Termination or transition…which is better when change is needed? Letting someone go can be hard but doing nothing can turn out to be worse. When an employee’s strengths do not align with the employee’s position…
Succession Planning For Success
Perhaps no other event in an organization’s life cycle is filled with a greater sense of expectation and angst as the transition of senior leadership. In particular, the departure of the chief executive presents unique…
Searching For A David
In the world of Christian ministry it is common to search for someone who can grow into the senior leadership position. Much like the biblical David, one might have abilities evident in one area that translate into being…
Right Leadership Lasts
Filling a leadership position is much more than hiring someone with great experience, good education, or even the right management style and values. Without question, past performance is the best…
Pastor Redeployment
It’s a common statistic that when a senior pastor gets older, younger families may not be as easily attracted to his church, which is where most church growth comes from. So, what’s a pastor to do? If you’re into your…
It’s A Matter Of Degrees
With the proliferation of so many options for obtaining academic degrees and professional certifications, it is important that the choice of the institution and the implications for candidate credibility, character and…
Governing Board Effectiveness
One of the most significant influences on institutional and leadership effectiveness for faith-based nonprofit organizations is the role and function of the group charged with its legal oversight – the governing…
Five Common Search Committee Mistakes
In churches, universities and nonprofits across the country, search committees gather with high hopes and the intention to see a great leader chosen to lead…
Executive Leadership Transition
This presentation is designed to provide insight into the role, function and importance of the senior leadership (President/CEO) in shaping the vision and mission, as well as influencing the efficiency and…