Just as there are significant differences between contingency and retained recruiters, likewise there are differences among retained search firms. Here’s a description of issues to consider when hiring…
Ten Common Hiring Mistakes
Hiring the wrong person is one of the biggest mistakes management can make. Here are tips on what NOT to do. 1) Not Checking References – is probably the most common mistake. Instead, prepare a list…
The Added Value of a Search Firm
An outside consultant can bring more value to the Selection Team as they work through the search process than they might initially realize. While finding candidates is…
Discerning the Lord’s Will
As a follower of Jesus, we should always seek God’s guidance as to where He wants us to be employed. Using your logic is important in making such a decision.
It’s Not Begging
For many, even pastors or presidents of Christian organizations, doing “the ask” is really tough if they think of it as begging. But that’s not the way God would have us view it.
Charitable Giving Flows During the Pandemic
With Covid-19 causing disruptions to every aspect of modern life, Christian non-profits of all types are acutely aware of potential risks that could negatively impact their ministries, not the least of which is their base of financial supporters.
Living in Tension: Sympathy for the Executive Pastor in 2020
The dissonant themes of 2020 have pushed the Church and State to be much closer dance partners, and there has been plenty of stepping on each other’s toes…
Living in Tension: Sympathy for the Executive Pastor in 2020Read More
The “Two-Up” Approach
A policy for managers to have affirmation from their direct supervisor prior hiring or firing means a better consistency of making good decisions. This is what is called a “two-up” approach.
The Greatest Pitfall of Any Leader
Search committees sometimes ask what would cause us, in our capacity as executive recruiters, to quickly eliminate a candidate from further consideration? Often it is one trait God tells us about in Scripture.
When the President of a Non-Profit Organization Resigns
When the president resigns or is asked to leave, it is a dreaded situation. The question becomes: what needs to be done and in what order so that the institution stays robust…
When the President of a Non-Profit Organization ResignsRead More